What is Opus Genetics, Inc.'s stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol IRD.

Where is Opus Genetics, Inc. located?

8 Davis Drive
Durham, NC 27709

When is Opus Genetics, Inc.'s fiscal year end?

December 31st

Who is Opus Genetics, Inc.'s transfer agent?

Equiniti Trust Company, LLC (“EQ”)
48 Wall Street, Floor 23
New York, NY 10005
T: 800-468-9716

Who is Opus Genetics, Inc.'s independent auditor?

Ernst & Young
One Kennedy Square., Suite 1000
777 Woodward Ave.
Detroit, Michigan 48226

Who is Opus Genetics, Inc.'s outside legal counsel?

Sidley Austin LLP
2860 Quarry Lake Dr, Suite 280
Baltimore, MD 21209